
Region: | Addis Ababa, Sendafa, Sululta, Burayu, Gelan, Akaki |
Period: | 2020-2024 |
Project partners: | Addis Ababa Water and Sewage Authority (AAWSA) and Oromia Water and Energy Resource Development Bureau (OWERDB) |
Funding: | Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Ethiopia |
The development objective of the Integrated Water Resources Management for Water Sanitation and Hygiene (IWRM 4 WASH), a Market-based Approach project is to improve water resource protection in Addis Ababa’s water catchment by up scaling and anchoring IWRM approaches with special focus on increased water and sanitation supply and strengthening market-based approaches to stimulate IWRM approaches and self-sustainability in water and sanitation services provision towards realization of SDG6.
VEI submitted a project concept in July 2019, and successfully secured € 9,016,025 million from the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Ethiopia and the project partners (VEI, Addis Ababa water and Sewerage Authority (AAWSA) and the Oromia Water and Energy Resource Development Bureau), in December 2019. The project is dubbed “Integrated Water Resources Management for Water Sanitation and Hygiene (IWRM 4 WASH), a Market-based Approach”.
Project partners and recipients
The beneficiary partners are Addis Ababa Water and Sewage Authority (AAWSA) and Oromia Water and Energy Resource Development Bureau (OWERDB) and associated water utilities of Akaki, Burayu, Gelan, Salulta and Sendafa. In addition, the direct beneficiary population is 125,000 people who live in the water catchment areas and towns. In addition, a larger part of the inhabitants of Addis Ababa city will benefit from improved reliability and quality of water supply due to improved catchment management.
Project aim
The four (4) specific objectives supporting the key result areas are:
1. Trans-regional dialogue: Established at executive level and operational level between Addis Ababa Water and Sewerage Authority (AAWSA), Oromia Water and Energy Resource Development Bureau (OWERDB), Ministry of Water Irrigation and Energy (MoWIE), Basin Development Authority (BDA), Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) and other stakeholders in Upper Awash River Basin under the framework to promote IWRM and to foster trans-regional cooperation
2. IWRM interventions: Enhance the sustainability of the Legedadi and Dire reservoirs by improving the water quality and the rate of siltation.
3. Market based livelihood improvement: Sustainably enhance the livelihood/food security for people living upstream of Dire and Legedadi dams by creating alternative opportunities as incentives to encourage conservation activities
4. WASH development: Inclusively improve WASH services for 125,000 people living in the catchment areas: 12,000 people (rural) dwellers and 113,000 people living the areas of Akaki, Burayu, Gelan, Sululta and Sendafa
For more information please contact:
Daniel Truneh, Regional Team Leader
Nebiyu Getachew, Project Manager Ethiopia