VEI presents Annual Report 2019


Making Sustainable Impact

With pride, I can introduce this VEI Annual Report 2019 to you. Thanks to the commitment of all engaged in VEI, VEI is nowadays the largest organization involved in Water Operator Partnerships worldwide. 2019 was for VEI an unparalleled year; succeeding to provide a record number of 352,515 people with access to sustainable water services.

We believe that everybody in the world deserves proper, adequate and sustainable water services delivery. Standing side by side as water operators, being able to make a practical difference in the lives of so many is what makes us tick, and what gives meaning to our organization and the reason we go to work every day.

I wish you a lot of reading pleasure, and please while reading it, take at heart that your continued support is essential in making the dream come true of universal sustainable water services for all.

Dr. Marco A.C. Schouten

Read the VEI Annual Report 2019 here