As a partner of VEI, WLN participated for the first time in a mission - on St. Eustatius. During this mission, Jeroen van Nuil of WLN drew up a drinking water monitoring program and a legionella risk analysis for the water company of this Caribbean island.
St. Eustatius is a small island in the Caribbean with 3000 inhabitants. On St. Eustatius, STUCO (Statia Utility Company N.V.), the electricity and water company of St Eustatius, distributes drinking water to approx. 750 customers. A distribution network has been installed for this purpose, the number of which is growing strongly. In addition to the connections, around 20% of the inhabitants are supplied with drinking water through tankers.
Quality and Capacity Document
The new Electricity and Drinking Water Act has been in force since 2016. This law contains tasks, requirements and obligations for water and electricity companies on Bonaire, St. Eustatius and Saba. Among other things, the law requires STUCO to provide a Quality and Capacity Document, which contains a description of the company, organization and technology. This includes a semi-long-term plan. The bottlenecks must also be made clear on the basis of a risk assessment. STUCO currently has a basic Quality and Capacity Document which must be adjusted.
Drinking water monitoring program and legionella risk analysis
During the VEI mission from 18 to 22 November on St. Eustatius, Jeroen van Nuil, chemical leader of WLN, and three employees of Evides Waterbedrijf worked on the adaptation of the Quality and Capacity Document. With the help of a colleague from Evides, Jeroen has prepared a legionella risk analysis and management plan, together with a flushing program, reporting procedure and other instructions in this regard. In collaboration with a laboratory on Sint Maarten, he has also drawn up a drinking water monitoring program and a measurement program that follows from it.